

Savitri Ammal Oriental Higher Secondary School

Rules and Regulations

This comprehensive guide is designed to provide clarity and guidance to our students regarding our school’s disciplinary rules, examination regulations, and general policies. Our aim is to maintain a structured and supportive environment that promotes learning, growth, and excellence. We encourage all students to thoroughly understand and adhere to these guidelines to ensure a harmonious and productive school experience.

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Disciplinary Rules +

  • Every pupil should come to the school at 9.00 a.m. and no pupil is allowed to come after the scheduled time.
  • Every pupil must wear the school uniform on all the working days.
  • All students must maintain a clean and tidy appearance. Boys are expected to have a proper haircut.
  • Keeping the classroom neat and tidy is one of the important duties of every student.
  • Perfect silence should be observed during congregational prayer time and during meetings and functions.
  • Pupils are prohibited from loitering in the premises when lessons are in progress.
  • Students should be regular in their classwork and in particular, they should be very regular in doing all exercises, homework assignments, etc., as instructed by the teachers from time to time.
  • No pupil shall leave the premises of the school during school hours unless special permission is accorded by the Headmaster/Headmistress.
  • Application for leave must be made beforehand to the class teacher. When the absence is due to unforeseen causes, an application for leave must be submitted on the day of his/her return to school. Leave applied for in time will ordinarily be granted when proper reasons are given, but in the case of sickness exceeding three days, the Headmaster may insist on the production of a medical certificate.
  • Application for leave should be countersigned by the parent or guardian.
  • If any student took leave more than one day (without prior permission), then the parent must come along with the student before the prayer and sign in the relevant record maintained.

Examinations +

  • Monthly tests, mid-term tests, and terminal examinations will be conducted and periodical progress reports will be viewed by the parents to appraise them.
  • Only in exceptional cases of sickness, etc., will leave of absence be granted during the examination days. Students absent from the examination will not be re-examined.
  • Forging a parent’s signature or altering marks and grades will be viewed seriously.
  • To be promoted in the final examination, a student must get a pass in the consolidated marks. Results declared at the end of the year are final and will not be reconsidered.

To the Parent +

  • Parents are requested to read the school messages every day and ensure that the lessons prescribed and homework assigned are properly done.
  • Observations made by the teachers about their children may be seen and signed.
  • Parents are requested to sign the late attendance record and the absence record and also the complaint letters in person.
  • If the parents happen to come to school to see their ward during the school hours, they are requested to seek the permission from HM through security.
  • Parents are required to ensure that their ward does not wear costly jewels.
  • Parents are required to watch their attire before entering the campus.

Tip for getting the best out of your studies:

Time is precious. Do not waste time. Have fixed hours of study, play, relaxation, sleep, and for taking food. Always be punctual and disciplined.

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